Youthwatch member receives £25 voucher for commitment to helping improve local NHS & care services.

A Youthwatch member has received a £25 shopping voucher of her choice in recognition of her commitment and dedication after attending 5 Youthwatch meetings.
Elizabeth Crompton - Youthwatch Volunteer

Youthwatch is an opportunity for young people aged 13 – 18 who live, study or work in the Rochdale borough to share their views & opinions on how NHS & care services are working locally for young people and how they can be improved. After attending 5 meetings Youthwatch members are rewarded with a £25 shopping voucher of their choice.

Elizabeth Crompton from Castleton is a Year 11 student at Matthew Moss High School and has been a member of Youthwatch Rochdale since April 2021. Elizabeth, a regular attendee at Youthwatch monthly meetings, has just received her second £25 voucher and is very passionate about ensuring young people have a say about services locally.

Elizabeth has brought lots of feedback from her peers about their thoughts and attitudes regarding the covid 19 vaccination which has led to open discussions with the lead NHS organisation (HMR CCG) at a recent Youthwatch meeting. She was recently elected as a finalist for Rochdale and Pennines in the Rochdale Youth Parliament with one of her manifesto points being young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Leading on from all her good work Elizabeth is now a member of European Network of Regional and Local Youth Platforms due to her work particularly with her project on tyring to encourage more young people to donate blood.

Due to the Covid pandemic monthly Youthwatch meetings have taken place via Zoom. Elizabeth hopes that in the Summer she will be able to meet face to face with some of the other members.

The role of Healthwatch Rochdale is to make sure that every person in the Rochdale borough has the opportunity to share their views and help shape NHS & care services. Youthwatch was set up to provide a friendly, safe space where young people can share their views with us and have their say. We appreciate the time and commitment that Youthwatch members give in helping to ensure services are right for the young people of the Rochdale borough and are delighted when we are able to reward that dedication

Ben Greenwood, Healthwatch Rochdale interim Chair of the Board

If you would like to be become a member of Youthwatch you can sign up via our application form.

Youthwatch Application Form